Aboriginal Well-Being Techniques

‘All things have spirit. We are all one.

The universe is a living being. We are all a part of it. Everything has spirit and everything is connected.

When someone or something passes, where does it go? It goes back to where it came from and begins again. Nothing is ever lost:just missed until it is found again. We are one with all things. We all came from the same beginning’ – The Dreaming Path

It’s easy to get swallowed by the stress of daily work and home life, but long-term stress can weaken your immune system and lead to physical health problems or make existing problems worse.

Thank you for opening this page, thank you for putting your peace of mind and well-being first. Stable mental health does not ‘just happen’, it takes attention and care just like our physical health.

Below is a short guided meditation to assist in ‘Grounding’ — To connect you to mother earth and allow her electric energy to connect you back to your source.